There are some people who dare to be 'different'. Who inhabit a parallel
universe. Live life on their own terms. Create their own unique forms of expression. These are the people who's work we present on these pages.
The People Tree STUDIO.
Whatever Cherry did had her distinctive stamp on it. From frills on kurtas to quirky
writing for the web site.
So right here at People Tree we continue to be inspired by her.
We see her in everything we do.
She is very much here. She lives. |
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Studio Chaubundi is a place where one can translate into reality all one’s dreams about patterns and colours.
It's an ancient art that is practiced here.Wood blocks are the brushes and minerals and plants make the colours. |
Simran makes 'art' with jewellery.
She takes metal beads, weaves and knots them into leather and cotton thong of jewel like colour. Then coils, bends and twists copper and silver wire around the thong.... Each of these peices is unique. Each tells a different story. |
Sutanu's world is one of conflict and resolution, of dreaming of doing, of doing and being. Having fought his whole life to find his identity, Sutanu puts the emotions of that quest into his paintings, letting the feeling flow onto canvas or paper, and then, he says, "putting the entire thought behind me". |